By: Leonardo Lin
- Most students in 10th grade have never taken Economics before, what kind of person should take the course, what should their interests be?
People that are curious in the decision making process and the choices that people and governments make. It is also less language intensive, it does not require a lot language. It is very little math, very small amounts of algebra.
- Can you point out the major difference between Higher Level and Standard Level Economics (courses that are offered by the IB Diploma)?
HL is more calculations, an extra paper (a paper 3), which is more number based. It is not just explaining the concepts, it will have a deeper application, that involves manipulating numbers.
- Why did you decide to teach Econ at first?
Well, there was a job opportunity, and I also wanted to teach the IB. I love education because of the holidays (joke). I am a liberal and progressive person, and I believe that by thinking, we can changing the world, and education makes people thinkers.
- Why would you suggest Econ?
Counter-intuitively, it is something you have never done before. Students have already done a lot of history, and by learning economics, students can challenge themselves in a different way. It is also to understand how the world works, to engage in things that make a difference.
- What kinds of jobs do people get by studying Econ?
The content is not the most important, when you get into a job they are going to train you, so the content is not gonna get you the job, it is the way you thinking that gets you the job. Economics improves rigorous thought, it is another way of thinking, the more hone you are, the better job you get. It is a win-win, the more engaged citizen, the more of thinking.
- How is Economics related to the Law?
Economics is related to everything, it is about decision and describing human behavior in a more scientific way. For example behavioral economics is really popular, it is a mix of psychology, it can be an economic approach to reduce cheating.
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